The Sixth Doctor:

Peri remains with the Doctor after he regenerates after suffering from Spectrox poisoning. It's not quite clear just when she left the Doctor as he was taken prisoner by the Time Lords and put on trial. Peri is not with him at this stage and at various times during the trial, it is implied that she was rather gruesomely killed in an attempted brain transfer operation, or taken in marriage by the king of the Krontep. Which exit is correct one can not definitely say, though on the basis of taste, the second is probably preferable :-). Thanks to the opening shot of Peri rising from the waters of the Atlantic in 'The Planet of Fire', she had the fastest impact on the viewing audience of all the Doctor's companions. Despite an initially promising start, she was also the companion most likely to be found running and screaming from the enemy du jour. Thanks to the BBC bosses making the first serious attempt to kill off Doctor Who, the series was 'rested' during Colin Baker's time as the Doctor and Nicola Bryant's time as his companion. This made her the longest serving Companion.
Mel is first seen traveling with the Doctor during scenes culled from his future adventures. The Doctor had no knowledge of her at this stage. She was forcefully brought to the location of the trial by the Master. Mel has a really piercing scream.

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