The Last Hero


The Discworld’d gods were a real force in the lives of their worshippers. But generally the people left the gods alone except for an occasional prayer as they grew older, and the gods… well, the gods enjoyed playing their games.

On the Counterweight Continent, in the Agatean Empire, the Emperor Ghengiz Cohen, formerly known as Cohen the Barbarian, is old as are the rest of his Silver Horde. And being old barbarians they were incapable of backing away from any challenge, even death. So Cohen and the Silver Horde go on the road one last time with their trusted swords. And a barrel of Agatean Thunder Clay. If this weapon were to be detonated on Cori Celeste, home to the gods, the magic holding the Discworld together would be destroyed.

The Agateans reckon that this is a problem for Ankh-Morpork to deal with. The Patrician reckons that the wizards should deal with it. All the wizards could do was obtain someone who had actually met Cohen and lived.

So Rincewind gets a call from the Patrician himself and is soon involved in one of the wildest adventure ever seen on, above, and even below the Discworld

Along with Leonard of Quirm and Captain Carrot of the Watch, Rincewind has to see if they can beat Cohen and his Horde to Dunmanifastin, home to the gods.

Will Cohen’s own Heroic Code allow him to go through with his revenge?

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